Food Storage Container Supplier Korea | Airtight Food Storage Containers in Korea - KODAECS
  • 사이트 내 전체검색

Innovative technology that changes the way to keep food fresh.

Fresh Food &

CEO’ Greeting

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  • KODAECS Co., Ltd., once a small auto part company founded
    in 1998, started developing new innovative airtight food
    storage containers for fresher and tastier food in 2014.
    It has successfully obtained a US patents, utility models,
    and design patents, and now becomes the airtight food storage
    container market leader with innovative ideas and technology.

    We, KODAECS Co., Ltd, promise tooffer even better and more
    kitchen appliance choices and become the most reliable brand
    everyone knows and trusts.
    Hulock, the kitchen appliance brand of KODAECS Co., Ltd,
    will protect your kitchen for heathier and happier life.

    Thank you very much.

  • hulock, food saver container korea, food storage gift sets supplier, Rectangular Food Container Sets manufacturer, vacuum pump food container korea
  • hulock, food saver container korea, food storage gift sets supplier, Rectangular Food Container Sets manufacturer, vacuum pump food container korea
  • hulock, food saver container korea, food storage gift sets supplier, Rectangular Food Container Sets manufacturer, vacuum pump food container korea

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회사명 : 코덱스|대표이사 : 김천용|사업자등록번호 : 603-81-36761| 주소 : 부산시 사하구 장평로 15번길 3-1
대표전화 : 051-265-8571|휴대전화 : 010-4566-8571|팩스 : 051-266-3443|이메일 :
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